Friday, March 18, 2011

Important Tips for successful Social Media Campaigns

1. Don’t try to be “everywhere”

The question is not in how many social media a company should be present, but in which of them. Focus on quality over quantity.
By selecting the most appropriate social media networks of your industry you avoid losing time and you decrease the probability of failure. Thus make sure you select the appropriate media based on thecharacteristics of your target audience. This means that it is of utmost importance to define your goals and the target audience in the early beginning of the planning.
Once you get familiar with the selected social media, you will notice that they provide useful tools to monitoryour campaigns, set goals and conduct research. Make sure you use those tools effectively in order to learn more about your industry and about your target audience.

2. Don’t try to sell

Don’t try to direct sell through social media. The result will not be catastrophic but you could wisely invest your time into something more useful for your company. For example you can use social media as a CRM tool, in order to directly support, answer or engage by making questions, start and participate on discussions or just monitor your brand reputation.

3. Think before you speak

Every update, tweet or post in social media, should be considered as an official corporate message. This means that the person or the team behind the scenes of social media accounts should be trained to have a deep knowledge of the corporate philosophy.


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That ok. Thank you so much.

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Very informative blog post of yours. Thanks for sharing.

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nice stuff every body should read said...

Thanks for the tips. We'll surely keep that in mind on our social media campaign. Another tip is to share/posts quality contents that would interest your target audience, this may or may not be related to your service or product. This will not only attract but will keep your visitors coming back and interact.

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